
Scientific Committee


Soil management is now a major societal challenge.

It is helpful to recall that soil is an important environment that too often has been taken into account for its agronomic support only. Soil is the base of all land assets. It can be a vector of transport and of transfer of pollution. It is a protective environment for many sources of water supply (agricultural, urban, industrial uses). The list of various soil functionalities is long and insufficiently highlighted. For this reason, soil must be the object of every attention. In short, it’s one of our best allies.

While local pollution of soils is now the focus of attention from States or Regions that have specific legislation in this area, pollution caused by diffuse sources is still often poorly identified (atmospheric fallout, use of pesticides and fertilizers by agriculture, sewage sludge treatment plants, industrial activities ...). Pollution is not the only threat to soils – there is also erosion, compaction, waterproofing, loss of organic matter, biodiversity, etc. An integrated, multidisciplinary approach is needed for sustainable soil management.

Today, it is time to have a global European vision of soil functionalities because policies can differ from one Member State to another, or even, in some States, from one administrative region to another. Without undermining the principle of subsidiarity, Europe should nevertheless define a firmer position on the main objectives to be sought by the Member States in terms of soil management.

The policies envisaged must therefore be based on a methodology recognized by all, with codified technical bases. Interrelationship between the laws of the Member States of the European Union will lead inexorably to the definition of common guidelines.

Many difficulties must still be overcome in developing these bases; they are of various kinds:

  • Regulatory: definition of the framework of common instructions and obligations to be respected
  • Legal: determination of responsabilities in case of damage to soil as a resource
  • Technical: definition and evaluation of a soil quality and the functions and properties to be protected, characterization of a soil, determination of the technical treatment to be implemented, development of recycling techniques to fight against exhaustion of the resource
  • Health: Assessing interactions between the environment and human health to better protect populations
  • Economic: evaluation of the cost of the characterization actions needed for the diagnosis, evaluation of the cost of depollution actions, economic revalorization of a degraded land, rebuilding the city over the city
  • Communication: Convince the authorities and the general public that soil is one of the solutions to the great challenges of our time, and that it is a valuable ally to be cherished rather than ignored or worse, exploited or defiled. Give letters of nobility back to the soil.

2020 to 2030 is the decade when major decisions will be made on environmental issues for the next 50 years. Soil management is no exception to this rule. It is therefore urgent for all actors involved to mobilize in order to share their knowledge for the well being of all. More than ever, interdisciplinarity is necessary to renew the logic of approaches and capitalize on the knowledge of experts from different backgrounds who do not always have the opportunity to meet.

This is the invitation that has been made for the 24th edition of Intersol, which will be held in Lyon in March 2025, to deal with all the actors and stakeholders concerned with soils, crucial themes which are:

      ✧ Under our feet, understand the soil and the subsoil?
Legal, regulatory and normative news

      ✧ Health and environmental risk assessments
      ✧ Pollution management: treat or live with it?
      ✧ Integrated strategy for the sustainable management of soils and subsoils
      ✧ And following the success of this initiative set up during the previous edition, a special session dedicated to young researchers - in the course of
          their doctorate or young doctor, creators of innovation, start-ups, will be organized during the event.
          The work presented in the form of pitches will be linked to the 5 themes of the colloquium. Show us your innovative skills!

During 3 days, Intersol is a unique opportunity to meet all stakeholders concerned by these developments: you will share with them, while meeting a wide range of professionals listening to you.

So, respond to this call for applications because your feedback interests us!


6 major themes 


1 - Under our feet, understand the soil and the subsoil?




Soil: ecosystem functions and services, biology, matrix, turnover, nitrogen and carbon cycles, carbon sink, biodiversity reservoir, principle of resilience

The subsoil: services, fracture- or granular porosity, water cycle and water resources, infiltration, water table, karst network, transfers of nutrients and pollutants, links with the soil (see continuum below) ...

A disciplinary mix: continuum, biology, ecology, pedology, agronomy, geology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, etc.

REX: what place does ecology have in the Polluted Land professions (currently, potentially)?



2 - Legal, regulatory and normative news




French and European regulations: European directive, rules for nature restoration, decrees, litigation and case law, climate and resilience law, environmental responsibilities, third party applicant,

Regulatory town planning: land, NNLT, urban planning and planification documents,

Standards: NF, ISO, national methodologies, ecotoxicity (what regulatory, legal terms, what standards?)

Feedbacks: Public policies and regulations for the management of polluted sites and soils: Examine the national and international regulatory frameworks relating to the management of polluted sites and soils, as well as best practices in public policies for decontamination, rehabilitation and reuse of polluted sites



3 - Health and environmental risk assessments




Diagnosis: preliminary investigations and controls, bioavailability, bioaccessibility, toxicological reference values, danger/toxicity, bioindicators, quality indicators, functionality indicator, ecology, soil biodiversity, biodiversity, agronomic potential (including in urban areas), transfers, routes of transfer of substances (water, dust, vapors, plants)

Tools and analyses: laboratory analyses, repository, databases, digital tools, evaluation - simulation - modeling (limits and uses), epidemiological studies, geophysics (rather a tool than a diagnosis) - indicators, benchmarks and thresholds

Emerging pollutants: cocktail, PFAS, microplastics, pesticides, endocrine disruptors, antimony

Feedbacks: Exploring the latest technological advances and innovative methods for the decontamination of contaminated soil and water with a focus on efficiency, environmental sustainability and cost-effectiveness - Multifunctional remediations - Soil quality assessment in public accounting and private – Danger, Health exposure



4 - Pollution management: treat or live with it?




Treatment techniques: management of concentrated sources, remediation, treatment, phytomanagement, bioremediation, monitoring, containment, stabilization, degradation products, in situ treatments, depollution, proven and/or innovative techniques, environmental assessment, nature-based solutions, demonstrators without greenwashing, disruptive techniques

Adaptation of uses: Technosol, revegetation, restoration of soil permeability, agronomy, renaturation, sanctuarization, confinement, restriction of uses, rehabilitation and refunctionalization of impacted or degraded soils, ecological/pedological engineering, adaptation of the method of polluted sites and soils to landfills, sediments …

Emerging pollutants: cocktail, PFAS, microplastics, pesticides, endocrine disruptors

Feedbacks: Soil management using nature-based methods (case studies from applications of Nature-Based Solutions for site remediation, Bio-solutions) - Valorization of soil biodiversity diagnostics in projects



5 - Integrated strategy for the sustainable management of soils and subsoils




Sustainable development and territorial planning: territorial strategy, urban planning documents, taking into account land, economic, legal and ecological dimensions and typologies of soil and link with other functions (biodiversity, waterproofing, fertility, etc.), NNLT, energy mix, renaturation, valorization of excavated soils and sediments, global/integrated projects (Diagnostics + Works)

Emerging and alternative uses: land recycling, urban agriculture, renaturation, renewable energies, temporary occupations, regulation of the water cycle, etc.

Actors in the management of polluted sites and soils: public authorities, politicians, project owners, contractors, examples of positive dynamics brought by the resolution of a soil pollution problem within the framework of an urban development policy or a industrial activity,

Complementary professions: ecological engineering, territorial actors, research in human and social sciences

Feedbacks: Adaptation to climate change and water resources management: Analyze the challenges posed by climate change in terms of water resources management, highlighting adaptation strategies and innovative solutions for subsoil management/ soils to ensure water availability and quality in a context of climate change



6 – Innovation: young researchers/creators/startups session


All research themes related to the different sessions are expected.

Young innovative companies, doctoral students, young doctors…

This special session will be an integral part of the program, the presentations will be made at the speaker's choice, in the form of pitches or conferences.


Contributions will be selected based on:
✧ their ability to present feedback on one or several use cases
✧ highlighting their novelty or improvement in relation to existing knowledge
✧ the technical, economic, energy, environmental and social context
✧ the prospects considered and their justification

To be considered, your application must be sent necessarily with:
- Title of the presentation in French and in English
- A summary in French or in English


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