Tuesday March 25, 2025
Welcome participants
Legal, regulatory and normative news
Moderator: Philippe Oudin, Founder and Managing Director - Semaco Environnement
The decree of July 4, 2024 relating to the Green Industry Act: new requirements for
managing the cessation of activities and the remediation of polluted sites and
Laurence Lanoy, Attorney in Environmental Law - Laurence Lanoy Avocats
The challenges of preserving the memory and restricting use of contaminated land
• Carine Le Roy-Gleizes, Attorney at the Paris Bar - UGGC Avocats
• Alice Messin-Roizard, Attorney at the Paris Bar - UGGC Avocats
Converting brownfield sites into natural sites: opportunity or illusion?
• Carine Le Roy-Gleizes, Attorney at the Paris Bar - UGGC Avocats
• Antoine Juquin, Attorney at the Paris Bar - UGGC Avocats
PFAS and polluted sites: anticipating the legal challenges of emerging pollution
Pauline Leddet-Troadec, Attorney at the Paris Bar - Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats
10h20 Questions - Answers - Discussions
10h30 Coffee Break
Soil, an intruder in territorial planning
Jean-Pierre Aubert, President - Terres de Métamorphoses
Round table:
Reconciling nature and cities: SFN for a sustainable urban future
Production & animation:
• Romain Garnier, Environment Project Manager, Soils Sector - Water Milieux Soils Cluster Paris Ile-de-France
• Christian Nsonda, Chemistry, Environment and Digital Innovation Project Manager - Axelera
12h30 Lunch
Integrated strategy for the sustainable management of soils and subsoils
Moderator: Olivier Sibourg, Principal - Ramboll
Assessment of soil ecological potential for sutainable development and rehabilitation of degraded sites
Quentin Vincent, Technical Director, Living Soils Expert - EODD Ingénieurs Conseils
CO2POL - Carbon Footprint of depollution projects and remediation sites-establish national reference standard of the emission calculations’ methodology and provide key figures
Clotilde Johansson, Business Manager R&D sector - Ortec Soleo
The problem of pyritic soils in underground works
• Myriam Duc, Head of Research - Gustave Eiffel University
• Agnès Cherrey, Head of studies and research in the management of excavated materials and eco-design of tunnels - Center for Tunnel Studies (CETU)
Advancing PFAS soil remediation with energy efficient destruction solution: From lab success to on-site optimization
Antoine Brison, Environmental Process Engineer - Oxyle (Swiss)
Fricheco and Appllex: Operationalising a ‘small land cycle’ in Marseilles. Action research to care for living soil in the Aygalades catchment area
Hugo Maurer, Head of regional projects and R&D strategies - Neo-Eco
15h10 Coffee Break
A decision support tool dedicated to rainwater infiltration in a context of soil residual pollution
Marie Lemoine, R&D Project Manager - Ginger Burgeap
Contaminant Treatment with Sequestered Residuals: Combining In Situ Stabilization (ISS) and In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
Brant Smith, Director of Technology - Evonik (United States)
Management of Invasive Exotic Plant Species (EVEEs) on polluted sites and soils: Innovative valorization through sequestration
Sébastien Illovic, Deputy Director - ADEV Environment
On Site thermal treatment of mercury and pesticide impacted soils from former chlor alkali plant
Jan Haemers, CEO - Haemers Technologies (Belgium)
Virtuous approach of industrial wastelands rehabilitation through circular economy, preservation of resources and innovative on-site thermal treatment
Laurent Siblot, Sales Development Manager - Ortec Soleo
17h10 Questions - Answers – Discussions
17h30 End of the Day One
Wednesday March 26, 2025
Innovation: Young researchers/creators/startups session
Moderator: Benjamin Pauget, R&D Manager - Tesora
Optimization of soil remediation volumes by inverse analytical modeling
Alexis Gris, PhD student - University of Poitiers
Feedback on the contribution of the use of a new approach to integrate the oral bioaccessibility of lead in a pilot area
Madeleine Billmann, Project Engineer and R&D collaborator in polluted sites and soils - Tesora
From water to sediment quality assessment using Gammarus fossarum
Cécile Luc, Doctoral student - Biomae
Assessment of contaminated soils with plant-based solutions using indicators of functionality and ecotoxicity of polluted soils
Julien Goutant, PhD student - Ineris
10h20 Coffee Break
Health and environmental risk assessments
Moderator: Laurent Thannberger, Scientific Director - Valgo
Optimization of the reconversion of an old wasteland thanks to the integration of bioaccessibility and environmental risks
Benjamin Pauget, R&D Manager, Partner - Tesora
Spatially explicit simulation software for multi-exposure and contaminant impact assessment in food webs
Virgile Baudrot, Company Manager - Qonfluens
CARTHAGE: Contribution of air to the risks and transfers associated with PAHs in urban agriculture: Management and assessment
Anne Barbillon, Coordinator of SecurAgri - AgroParisTech Innovation
ARAGORN: Pioneering sustainable solutions for Europe's contaminated soils
Alexandre Perlein, Project Engineer - Microhumus
Influence of microbial activities on the mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity of arsenic and metals for plants in arsenic-contaminated phytostabilized mining waste
Marina Le Guédard, R&D Manager - LEB Aquitaine Transfert, ADERA
12h30 Questions - Answers - Discussions
13h00 Lunch
Feedback: Assessment of PFAS transfer in unsaturated and saturated zones and remediation strategy
Jérôme Texier, R&D Engineer - XSEM
Environmental behavior of some key-PFAS and aromatic amine pollutants of Benzidine type
Frank Karg, Scientific Director of HPC-Group (INOGEN JV) & President-CEO - HPC International (France & Germany)
Towards an integrated strategy for environmental data management : Harmonizing soil gas data exchange
Olivier Roussel, Customer Success Manager - TerraIndex (The Netherlands)
15h00 Coffee Break
Manufacture of fertile soil on site, how to assess the health and environmental risks?
Olivier Pacaud, Deputy Development Director - Brézillon
Assessment of the Abandoned Mine of Zaida in Morocco and Perspectives on Bioremediation
Soufiane Alami, PhD in Microbial Biotechnology and Molecular Biology - Faculty of Sciences, University V Mohammed (Morocco)
eDNA: Soil microbiome and one health approach
Federica Cattapan, R&D Biology Director - Mérieux NutriSciences (Italy)
Evaluation of the effectiveness of different constructive measures on residual health risks in the event of development on site with environmental liabilities
Juliette Chastanet, R&D Project Director - Burgeap
16h50 Questions - Answers – Discussions
Innovation: young researchers/creators/startups session
2025 Innovation Awards ceremony
17h30 End of the Day Two
Thursday March 27, 2025
Pollution management: treat or live with it?
Philippe Oudin, Founder and Managing Director - Semaco Environnement
Jonathan Senechaud, Polluted Sites and Soils Business Development Manager - Colas Environnement
A containerized thermal treatment system for the destruction of PFAS in contaminated soils
Jan Haemers, CEO - Haemers Technologies (Belgium)
Feedback on a remediation technique to separate PFAS from land
Didier Prodorutti, Depollution and Environment Engineer - Brézillon
PFAS - Treatment developed by the group Ortec – Research carried on by Ortec Soléo and Biogénie
Clotilde Johansson, Business Manager R&D sector - Ortec Soleo
10h00 Coffee Break
In situ remediation of a PFAS plume using an injectable colloidal activated carbon barrier at an airport in Sweden
Mariangela Donati, District Manager - Regenesis (Italy)
Treatment of PFAS by biological and chemical reduction: reasons to believe?
Boris Devic-Bassaget, Technical Director - SARPI Remediation France
Phytostabilization of a mining site. Feasibility study: application to the Bois Vert site
Souhir Soussou, Director - Fertil’Innov Environnement
Phytomanagement for the pollution management and the ecological valorization of the “boucle de Chanteloup”
Alexandre Perlein, Project Engineer - Microhumus
Mercury in-situ treatment by thermal desorption
Matthieu Sangely, Expert Métier advanced remediation services - Valgo
Conversion of brownfields: how to reconcile rehabilitation, issues of preserving biodiversity and renaturation? the example of the ZAC Bongraine, Aytre (17)
Gaëtan Urvoy, Director of Polluted Sites and Soils - EODD
12h30 Questions - Answers - Discussions
13h00 Lunch
Optimising remediation efforts with accurate data and targeted spin injection
• Lionel Counet, Project Engineer - Injectis (Belgium)
• Pieter Buffel, Business Unit Manager - EnISSA (Belgium)
Implementation of an optimized Fenton electroremediation solution. Application with EBRÒ (Electro-Bio-Remediation) technology
Philippe Oudin, Founding Manager - Semaco Environnement
Drinking water abstraction and pollution: how to contain and treat the impacts?
Gabriel Philibert, Project Manager - Colas Environnement
15h00 Coffee Break
Rehabilitation of old mining tailings ponds. On-site trials of vegetated covers: Implementation of sustainable management of polluted soils
Camila Diaz Vanegas, Project Engineer - Ramboll France
Lessons learned on the application of the ESTRAPOL Guidelines
• Emmanuel Vernus, Technical Director - Insavalor Provademse
• Annelise Gauthier, Project Director - Ginger T-LAB
Carrying out pilot tests as part of a project to transform a former industrial site into a future residential space
Didier Prodorutti, Depollution and Environment Engineer - Brézillon
16h30 Questions - Answers - Discussions
17h00 End of the Day Three / End of the congress