PFAS: per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are more and more recognized
to create a very important impact in Environment and Public Health.
Thousands of PFAS containing Products produced thousands of Contaminated Sites
in the last 60 years with Toxicological Impact from Endocrine Disruption,
Hepatotoxicity to Carcinogenic Effects of these more than 9000 very stable
& bio-accumulable Compounds.
Environmental & Public Health Management Strategies for International Legal
Context & Needs, Site Investigations & Environmental Chemistry,
Environmental & Health Risk Assessments, Toxicology & Epidemiology,
Remediation Plans & Remediation Goals, Treatment Technologies for Water,
Soil & Air and Research & Development Approaches will be presented and
On June 17
to 19, 2025, in Paris, this 5th edition of the International PFAS-Congress
will be a unique opportunity to meet all the actors concerned by this theme.
We are interested in your
feedback !
Deadline for application: February 14, 2025
Dr. Frank P. M. Karg (PhD) / SFSE, ARET, HPC International, ABE
▬ 7 major themes ▬
1. International Legal Context
2. Identification & Characterization of PFAS Sources: Commercial Products, Wastes, Landfills, Industrial sites, Fire Fighting Sites and Fire Fighting Training Sites, Sludges from WWTP on Agricultural Land, etc.
3. Site investigations, Environmental Chemistry and Transfer Modelling
4. Environmental and Health Risk Assessments, Toxicology & Epidemiology
5. Remediation Plans and Remediation Goals Management Experiences of ultrashort-chain PFAS (TFA, etc.) and Volatile PFAS (FTOHs, etc.)
6. Treatment Technologies for Water, Soils, Sediments and Air
7. Research & Development
Contributions will be selected based on:
✧ their ability to present feedback on one or several use cases
✧ highlighting their novelty or improvement in relation to existing knowledge
✧ the technical, economic, energy, environmental and social context
✧ the prospects considered and their justification
To be considered, your application must be sent necessarily with:
- Title of the presentation in French and in English
- A summary in French or in English